Art Days
Description: Master Thesis project.
Introduction: In recent years, the advancement of new technologies has opened new possibilities in all fields including visual design and communication. The effective and appropriate integration of these new technologies into the creative process raises crucial questions including the fear that it will take over designers’ roles.
This thesis project aims to explore the potential and usefulness of innovative systems in creating a brand identity, employing the latest technologies and methodologies available, and imagine which will be the designer’s role in the branding process.
After having analysed what generative design systems and artificial intelligence are and showed their potential, I have used them to create the brand identity of Art Days, a contemporary art festival located in Naples and Campania. The basic idea was that Art Days, being an annual art festival, required an adaptable and dynamic brand identity to reflect its evolving nature. To meet this challenge, I decided to implement a generative design system concept, combined with artificial intelligence.
Branding, Generative Design, Graphic Desing, Type design